Horizon Forbidden West Wins Best Original Composition and Sound Design Award

That’s music to my ears

Horizon Forbidden West screenshot

Horizon Forbidden West has won a couple of more awards. This time for it’s superb music and sound design.

The game, released in February this year and developed by Guerrilla Games has won Best Original Composition in gaming and Best Sound Design in gaming at the 2022 Music and Sound Awards.

The Best Original Composition was awarded for various pieces used in the game and was composed by Joris De Man, Niels van der Leest, Oleksa Lozowchuk + The Flight.

The Best Sound Design Award was for the best overall sound design in a video game. Guerrilla’s sound team on Horizon Forbidden West consisted of Bastian Seelbach, Anton Woldhek, Jacopo Consonni, Lovisa Bergdahl, Nick van Kleef, Pinar Temiz, Arjen Schut, George Vlad, Gijs Driesenaar, Jonathan Howe, Lewis James, Ramon Kerstens, Ruben Bergshoeff, Casey Slocum, Jeremie Voillot, Phil Kovats, Dennis Bestafka, Safar Bake, Jon Rook, Justin E. Bell, Aaron Sanchez, Robert Castro, Andres Herrera, Maria Rascon, TJ Schauer, David Goll, Derrick Espino, Michael Kent, Blake Collins, Joanna Fang, Ash Read, Ben Pantelis, Lewis Everest, Lewis Barn, Fabio Liutina, Samuel Justice, Eilam Hoffman, Jay Jennings, Robert Kellough, Graham Donnelly, David Whitehead, Tobias Poppe + Michelle Child.

After learning of the awards, Guerrilla Games tweeted that they were thrilled to see their audio, music and composer teams being recognised.

If you love the Horizon Forbidden West soundtrack as much as we do, then sit back and relax and listen to the entire thing below,

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