Quantum Error Devs Shut Down PS5 ‘Struggling with 4K’ Rumour

Quantum Error will hit the goal of 4K 60FPS on PS5

Quantum Eror shuts down rumour that PS5 struggles with 4K

A few days ago there was a – most certainly false – rumour flying around that the PS5 was struggling to run games at 4K resolution. The instigator of this rumour, an alleged insider and leaker called Dusk Golem, has subsequently admitted to creating this false rumour to ‘even things up’ due to some recent bad Xbox Series X press.

Now some random person on Twitter (no doubt an Xbox fanboy) has claimed out of the blue that Quantum Error from TeamKill Media is “struggling to get 4k30 on ps5.”

However, in this case, the rumourmonger’s false claims where promptly shot-down by a reply from Quantum Error’s official Twitter account.

And there you have it. The official Twitter account of Quantum Error is essentially saying that the rumour is complete and utter nonsense. With the tweet stating that the game will reach the developer’s goal of 4K 60FPS on PS5.

No doubt there will be many more rumours attempting to disparage the PS5. But remember, until the console and the games are in our own hands, take these rumours as being completely made up.

We will soon see for ourselves how good the PS5 and its games are once the console is launched later this year.

Source: Twitter via Reddit