Greak: Memories of Azure(2021)
Greak: Memories of Azur is a side-scrolling single-player game with hand-drawn animations. You will take the role of three siblings: Greak, Adara and Raydel to guide them through the lands of Azur. Alternate control between them and use their unique abilities to escape from the Urlag invasion.
Greak: Memories of Azur Features:
- Hand-Drawn Art and Animation: Enjoy a captivating narrative telling a story of family, home, and union, all brought to life with stunning hand-drawn art
- Specially Crafted Puzzles: Players will solve intricate puzzles to navigate the world of Azur, using the three siblings’ unique abilities to flee the threat
- Unique Gameplay: Each sibling boasts their own powers and abilities, and players will swap seamlessly between the trio to best navigate the world
- Live Orchestra Soundtrack: Enjoy the expressive and atmospheric music themes specially created to enhance this unique adventure.
Game Info
Release Dates
August 17, 2021
Play Modes