The Inquisitor(2024)

The Inquisitor is a story-driven, dark renaissance, action-adventure mystery game set in an alternate history 1500s. In this world, Jesus did not die on the cross. Instead, he broke free from his crucifixion and unleashed bloody vengeance on those who did not believe in him. Centuries pass and now an army of zealot Inquisitors brutally enforce the faith of this blood-hungry Church that has taken hold in Europe.
You play as one such Inquisitor in service this The Holy Office – Mordimer Madderdin. Dispatched to the despondent town of Konigstein, you will be tasked with dealing with the various crimes and transgressions of the common folk, all while dealing with an ancient evil that is trying to take root around you.
Use your sleuthing skills to uncover clues, secrets and suspects. Use cunning or threats to get the answers you need. And finally, make the difficult moral judgments to decide the fates of those under your investigation. Will you show mercy for their lapses or will you unleash holy cruelty as is expected by the faith?
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Game Info
February 8, 2024