Assassin’s Creed Mirage: Find What I Stole Enigma Guide

A riddle wrapped in an Enigma

Assassin's Creed Mirage screenshot

In this Assassin’s Creed Mirage guide, I’ll show you where to find the FInd What I Stole Enigma. And I’ll show you where to find the enigma solution and the treasure.

What are Enigma’s in Assassin’s Creed Mirage?

Enigma’s are riddles or puzzles you can find in the world. Some might have a written riddle and some might just have a sketch of a location you will have to find. They are basically the same as Papyrus Puzzles in Assassin’s Creed Origins.

Find What I Stole Enigma Guide and Solution

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The Find What I Stole Enigma can be found in the Harbiyah region, this is one of the first regions you will visit in the game once you start the story proper.

You will find the Enigma underneath a green canopy/tent-type thing. It is located at the corner of a canal just southeast of Qutrabbul Gate.

Find What I Stole enigma location under green canopy/tent thing

Find What I Stole Enigma Solution

Once you collect the Enigma, you can find it in your inventory, in your bag. Read the Enigma riddle to get a hint about where to look for the solution and the treasure.

Find WHat I Stole Enigma Riddle

As the riddle suggests, we need to find the Soap Boilers and then look for some colourful fabric.

The solution to the Find What I Stole Enigma lies in the south of Harbiyah, in the Soap Boilers District. It is south of the east fast travel point and just east of Round City. You can see the location in the map screenshots below. The riddle also says to look for colourful fabric. The colourful fabric you are looking for can also be seen in the screenshot below.

Find What I Stole Enigma solution - colourful fabric

Once you have reached the Soap Boilers District and found the colourful fabric shown above, you will find the ENigma solution and treasure in this small structure.

Find What I Stole Enigma treasrue location

And that is the solution to the Find What I Stole Enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

If this is the first Enigma you have found and solved you will also get the Riddle Me This trophy.