Details have emerged of a Ghost of Tsushima movie which is currently in the works at Sony Pictures. Sucker Punch Productions, developers of the epic open-world samurai game are collaborating to bring Jin Sakai’s story to the big screen.
The Ghost of Tsushima movie will be directed by Chad Stahelski who directed the John Wick films starring Keannu Reeves. So you can imaging that a Ghost of Tsushima film will be very action-oriented.
If anyone could bring to life the razor-sharp tension of Jin’s katana combat, it’s Chad Stahelski.
There are not many other details as of yet about the movie, but the PlayStation blog post by game director Nate Fox mentions the Island of Tsushima. So it is assumed that filming will take place on the actual Tsushima Island.
There are also no details on who might be starring in the movie or when it actually might come out. So stay tuned for more info.
To date, Ghost of Tsushima has sold over 6.5 million copies and has won numerous awards. With a movie now confirmed, it is clear that Sony sees Ghost of Tsushima as major franchise potential. This bodes well for fans of the game as we will undoubtedly see a sequel at some point.
If you haven;t played Ghost of Tsushima yet, go get yourself a copy and play it. It is similar to Assassin’s Creed Origins and Odyssey with a beautiful open world. The combat in Tsushima is second to none though. There’s also a multiplayer mode called Legends which is really fun.
Source: PlayStation Blog