Bend Studio’s new PS5 game is simmering in the pot as Bend has revealed that the new IP is cooking.
When asked on X how their new IP is going Bend Studio simply replied “We cooking.”
Bend Studio first revealed that they were working on a new IP back in June 2021 announcing that they were working on a “very exciting” new game. A year later in June 2022 The Days Gone developer revealed a bit more about the new PS5 game in a PlayStation Blog article.
The tidbit of info provided by Bend at the time revealed that the new IP would feature multiplayer and would build upon the open-world systems of Days Gone.
Although not a great deal is currently known about Bend Studio’s new PS5 game, it is supposed to release in 2025 according to an artist who has worked on the game.
Last year Bend Studio celebrated its 30th anniversary. The first-part PlayStation Studio has brought PlayStation Fans games such as the Syphon Filter series, Uncharted: Golden Abyss and most recently Days Gone for PS4.