Wrath of the Druids: Big Sturgeon Fishing Guide (Rathbride Offering Altar)

Big fish in a big river

There are a few offering altar mysteries in Wrath of the Druids, the first major expansion for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Most fo the offering altars in Ireland require you to offer up items that are unique to Ireland, like Luxuries.

But, the Rathbride Offering Atar in the south of Meath wants you to offer up some Big Sturgeon fish. You may well have some big Sturgeon fish in your inventory from fishing trips in England, if not I’ll show you a handy location to easily fish for Big Sturgeon in Ireland.

Fishing for Big Sturgeon for the Rathbride Offering Altar

First up, let’s check out where Rathbride Offering Altar is exactly.

Big Sturgeon Fishing, Rathbride Ofering Alter location in Meath

As previously mentioned, Rathbride Offering Altar is in the south of Meath, as shown in the map screenshot above. This particular altar requires you to offer up five Big Sturgeon. If you don’t already have any you’ll need to do a spot of fishing. But where is the best location to quickly snag some of these fish?

Best big Sturgeon fishing lcoation for Rathbride offering altar in Meath

In the river just north of the Offering Atar is the answer. Just head to the location where you can see my marker on the map above and fish away. You’ll get your five big Sturgeon in no time.

Simply cast your line, use Odin’s sight and watch as the fishes come flocking towards your bait. There are some other fish and regular Sturgeon in this river too but there are plenty of big Sturgeon.

Check out my big Sturgeon fishing video below.



Once you have caught enough big Sturgeon, just head back to the Rathbride Offering Altar and offer up the big fish.

More Wrath of the Druids guides