Spider-Bots in Marve’s Spider-Man 2 are collectables that you can find throughout the map. When you get close enough to a Spider-Bot location you will see an energy pulse emitting from the Spider-Bot.
In this guide, I’ll show you where to find the SPider-Bots in Central Park.
Central Park Spider-Bots
There are only two Spider-Bots to be found in Central Park.
Spider-Bot 1 – Iron Spider Spider-Bot
This Spider-Bot can be found in the northwest part of Central Park. It is located under a bridge with a road under the bridge.

Spider-Bot 2 – Spider-Man 1602 Spider-Bot
This Spider-Bot can be found in the centre of the Central Park area. It is on top of a rock formation. There is a path but the side of the rocks.

And that is all the Spider-Bots in Central Park.
Other Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bot guides